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时间:2023-05-24 06:37:19     小编:xiejingc



当别人帮了你的忙时你该怎么说谢谢?我们会用的也许就是thank you和thanks,最多再加个very或a lot。其实,英语中表达感谢的方式有很多种。在不同情境下也有不同方式表达,大家活学活用吧!


thanks a million.i really appreciate it.万分感谢,真的是帮了我大忙啦。

i really appreciate what you’ve done for me these days.我真的很感激这些天来你对我的帮助。

it’s very kind of you to help me.你能帮助我真是太好了。

i really don’t know what i would have done without your help.真不知道没有你的帮助我该怎么办。

thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months.在您处的参观访问,是我们几个月中最愉快的一次。谨向您表示感谢。

thank you for contributing so much to the pleasure of our staying.感谢您给我们在这里停留期间带来的那么多欢乐。

thank you so much for your generous hospitality.非常感谢您慷慨的款待。

you must give me the chance to return your kindness when you visit here.您光临我处时我定要借机答谢您的盛情。

thank you very much(ever so much)(most sincerely)(indeed)(from the bottom of my heart).很(非常)(最真诚地)(确实)(衷心)感谢您。

thanks a million(ever so much).万分(非常)感谢。

it's generous of you to take so much interest in my work(togive me so much of your time)(to show me so much consideration).承蒙您对我的工作如此操心(为我花费这么多时间)(对我如此关怀)。

i want to thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments.我要感谢您对我的友爱和问候。




用英语表达各种“笑” from “smile” to “laughter”

十六世纪的英国诗人、le(1554-1624)曾经说过,“man is the only creature endowed with the power of laughter.”(人是唯一与生具有笑的能力的动物)。因此,在这里就英文里在各种不同情况之下不同层次的「笑」作一简单的介绍。在本文里,所谈的「笑」则将限于当做动词使用的「笑」。「笑」大致可以分成两大类:第一类是「不出声」地笑,第二类则为「出声」地笑。一般说来,「既不出声又不开口地笑」以“to smile”为最常用的字眼,而「又出声,也开口地笑」则以“to laugh”为最普遍使用的字汇。首先来谈谈「不出声」的笑。



第一种的「既不出声又不开口地笑」最常用的动词是“to smile”(微笑)。“to smile”是指一个人压抑不住心底涌上来的喜悦而笑逐颜开,莞尔而笑者。通常“smile”是表示开心、友善、亲切、慈祥等的情感:如,she smiled tenderly.“(她和蔼地微笑。)look, that charming girl smiles at you!(你瞧,那位迷人的女孩向您微笑!)。

虽然”smile“也有表示「痛苦、怜悯、轻视、讽刺」等意的笑:如,he smiled bitterly.(他苦笑了)⊿he smiled coldly.(她冷笑了)等等。也有职业性的「皮笑肉不笑」的smile,如影、歌星登台表演时所现出的嫣然一笑。”to smile“用做不及物动词时,一般译为「微笑,莞尔、现出笑容」等;用做及物动词时,则常翻成「以微笑表示„„」。



it is rare to see him smile.(难得看到他一笑。)

she smiled to see her son so happy.(她看她儿子那么开心而现出笑容。)what are you smiling at?(你在笑什么?)


she smiled a welcome.(她以笑容相迎。)

father smiled his approval.(父亲以微笑表示赞许。)

she smiled a warm and friendly smile.(她现出温暖而友善的微笑。)除了”to smile“之外,「既不出声又不开口」地笑,还有”to simper, to smirk, to sneer“等动词。

真人外教一对一 徐小平老师鼎力推荐




to simper/to smirk:这两个字,常被认为是同义字而翻成「傻笑,假笑」等。根据webster, random house, american heritage等辞典的解释”simper“的字义都很相近,是指”to smile in a silly or self-conscious manner;to smirk“(傻笑,痴笑;不自然地微笑)。对于”to smirk“所下的定义则分别是”to smile in a conceited, knowing or annoying, complacent way/to smile in an affected or offensively familiar way/to smile in a self-conscious, knowing or simpering way“(假笑、尴尬地微笑;得意地微笑)。to sneer : ”to sneer“则指”to smile scornfully curl the lip in contempt“(嘲笑:或翘起嘴唇以表轻蔑)。然而,”simper“的傻笑,却也常带着「得意忘形」或「沾沾自喜」而微笑之意;”smirk“则有「嘲笑」或「怀着敌意地笑」,甚至有「狞笑」的意味。这三个动词都有不及物动词与及物动词的两种用法。当做及物动词使用时,”simper“是常译为「带着傻笑(痴笑)说„„,或表示„„」,”smirk“是「以假笑表示„„」,”sneer“则可翻成「以嘲笑的态度说„„」。第三种是「不出声,但开口地」笑是—”to grin“。

”to grin“是比”to smile“要把嘴稍为向上拉开,并且露出牙齿而不出声地,开朗地笑。一般来说,”grin“是用来表示高兴或满足的心情。美国第三十四任总统艾森豪将军,生前在群众面前,总是笑口常开,笑容可掬。他那副爽朗而看起来诚恳无邪的笑容就是”grin“的典型笑法。如果”to grin“是心情开朗而又是出自内心笑出来的话,常常极富吸引力的。艾森豪总统曾受美国国民,尤其美国妇女爱戴,其原因也可能在此。然而,”grin“如果笑得不妥当,且不是出自真心的话,会给人愚蠢、调皮或不认真的印象的。

”to grin“可用做不及物动词,也可用做及物动词。当做不及物动词使用时,通常翻成「露齿而笑;咧嘴而笑」;用做及物动词时,则译为「露齿(咧嘴)而笑以示„„」。这个翻译或许不是很高雅,但通常为求字义上的准确性,辞典编辑者多不太敢自作主张自由发挥。

the american heritage dictionary(second college edition)对”grin“所下的定义是这样的:”(vi.)to smile broadly, showing the teeth.(vt.)to express with a grin.“下面举出几个例句以供各位参考:


he grins with delight.(他开心得露齿而笑。)he grinned broadly at me.(他对我咧嘴而笑。)

the boy grinned from ear to ear when his father gave him a computer.(当他父亲给他一部电脑时,他开心地笑得合不拢嘴。)〔及物动词〕

she grinned her assent.(她露齿而笑以表同意。)

father grinned his approval.(父亲露齿一笑以示允许。)

真人外教一对一 徐小平老师鼎力推荐



the movie star grinned before his audience.(在观众面前,那位电影名星咧嘴而笑。)


原来”grin“是从”groan“(哼;呻吟)或”howl“(〔狗,狼等〕狂吠,长嗥)衍生而来;换句话说,也就是带有「痛苦、愤怒、轻视」等之意。如:the captured robber grinned at the policeman.(被逮的强盗对警察露齿狞笑。)(b)「出声地」笑:接着让我们来谈谈「出声地笑」,「出声地笑」也有「开口」及「不开口、闭著嘴」两种。「开口而出声地笑」的最常看到的字眼是”to laugh“。根据 the random house college dictionary(revised edition)所下的定义,”to laugh“是指”(vi.)to express emotion, as mirth, pleasure, derision, or nervousness, with an audible, vocal expulsion of air from the lungs that can range from a loud burst of sound to a series of quiet chuckles.“也就是说”laugh“可以用在各种情形之下,咧嘴而出声地笑—从「开怀大笑」到「咯咯窃笑」。

we all laughed heartily.(我们都开怀大笑。)

they began to laugh loudly.(他们大声笑了起来。)they laughed till tears came.(他们笑出眼泪来了。)

以上都是当做不及物动词使用的例子。如果”to laugh“做及物动词使用时,常翻成「以笑表示„„」;he laughed his consent.(他以笑表示同意。)she laughed her mother into better humor.(她笑得使她母亲心情转好了。)用”laugh“构成的成语不少,下面试举若干:

to laugh at(〔看到或听到„„而〕发笑;嘲笑。)to laugh in(或up)one's sleeve(窃笑,偷笑。)to laugh off(用笑隐瞒〔敷衍〕失望、失误等。)to laugh one's head off(哈哈大笑。)to laugh out(捧腹大笑。)

to laugh in one's face(当面〔公开〕嘲笑。)to laugh over(笑著谈论„„。)

”to giggle“是指像电影里的傻大姐所发出的「无害地、不带恶意地」傻笑。其特征是发出一连串又短又尖地咯咯的声音,或痴痴的笑声。”giggle“一词,除了用于女人的傻傻地或紧张的尖笑声之外,也指小孩子们的开心或害羞的尖笑声。the children giggled at the clown's antics.(小孩子们看小丑的滑稽表演而咯咯地笑。)

the girls giggled when their teacher talked about boys.(当老师谈到男孩子们的时候,女孩子们咯咯地笑了。)傻笑,有时是因为可笑,有时是因为紧张而发出来的。意义类似的动词有”to titter“(傻笑,〔含羞〕窃笑)”to snigger“(窃笑、暗笑),”to snicker“(窃笑),”to twitter“(咯咯地笑)等。但是,除了”to twitter“(一连串又短又轻地笑)之外,其他的「笑」则都

真人外教一对一 徐小平老师鼎力推荐



是「低声地轻笑」。不过”to twitter,“ ”to snicker“与”to snigger“有时却也带有「(压低声音)嘲笑」之意。再说,除了”to titter“与”to giggle“只有不及物动词的用法外,其余的”to snicker, to snigger, to twitter“则可以用做及物动词及不及物动词。还有一种笑法是「出声而不开口地笑」。有些笑法是抿着嘴而发出「得意而开心的」声音。”to chuckle“与”to chortle“就是这种笑法。”to chuckle“常指男人压低声音,又抿着嘴,独自轻声地笑”to laugh softly in a low tone, or to oneself.“


he chuckled while reading.(他边读边独自低声轻笑。)

he chuckled at himself for having worn two socks that didn't match.(他对自己穿了两只不同双的袜子而低声轻笑。)

”to chortle“一词是lewis carroll(英国数学家,儿童读物作家,1832-1898)在他所著”through the looking glass“一书里,把”chuckle“与”snort“二字合并而造出来的新字—指「闭嘴低声咯咯轻笑」,也就是在喉咙里发出来的笑声”to chuckle throatly“)。如:”he chortled in his joy.“(他高兴地咯咯轻笑)。这三个动词只用做不及物动词。

最后,我们来谈谈「捧腹大笑」。这种笑法当然是属于第一种的「开口而出声地」笑。一个人是「捧腹大笑」,多数人在一起「捧腹大笑」就变成「哄堂大笑」。这个笑可用”to guffaw“一词。因为从前妇女们以及高雅的绅士们是不大开嘴巴而笑的。”to guffaw“因而用以指男人在一起时,带有粗野味道的「哈哈大笑」,「捧腹大笑」或「哄堂大笑」。”to guffaw"也只有不及物动词的用法而已。至于表达「哈哈大笑,捧腹大笑」,有许多其他说法;下面试举几个例句做为本文的结束:

to laugh one's head laugh burst out roar with split their sides with laughter.(笑破肚皮)。


真人外教一对一 徐小平老师鼎力推荐



在表示感谢时最重要的是要面带微笑和诚挚的语调。尽管感谢可能是伪装的,但是由于真诚的感谢总是会成功的。在现代西方世界,经常可以听到人们说 “thank you”(谢谢), “you shouldn't have”(你本不该)或是“i can't believe you did this for me”(我不敢相信你为我做过这个)。

当有人说“you shouldn't have”(你本不该),这不是指他们不感激,而是简单地指他们觉得他们不应该得到你给予的礼物、关注或手势。感激是那些事的其中之一,他很难伪装,因为当你心存感激时,你会被情感所制服。

你可以用很多方法表示感谢,如果你很随意地说话,你可以说“oh i really

appreciate that”(哦,我真的很感激),“you shouldn‟t have”(你本不该)或者你可以采取所熟悉的可信赖的、还没过时的“thank you”(谢谢)。

有礼貌和表示感谢是有区别的。有礼貌可以被认为是一般的体面,但是感激是情感的表达。举个例子就是当有人收到礼物时,这通常是随着感情和内心的“thank you”(感谢)而来的。

尽管说“thank you”(谢谢)是永不过时的,但是这决不是多余的,也绝不会像年轻人说的“lame”(不值得浪费我的时间)一样。所以请记得说“thank you”(谢谢)!

expressing your gratitude in english

when expressing gratitude it is important to do so with a smile on your face and a sincere tone of gh gratitude can be faked, it must always come off as sincere the modern western world it is common to hear people say 'thank you', 'you shouldn't have' or 'i can't believe you did this for me'.when someone says 'you shouldn't have' it does not mean that they are not grateful but it simply means that they feel that they do not deserve the gift, attention or gesture you have given ude is one of those things that is hard to fake because when you are grateful you are overcome with are many ways in which you can express gratitude, if you are speaking casually you could say 'oh i really appreciate that', 'you shouldn‟t have' or you could resort to the old trusty yet timeless 'thank you'.there is a difference between being polite and showing polite can be considered as common decency whereas gratitude is an expression of an example of this is when one receives a gift;this is usually followed by emotion and a heartfelt 'thank you'.although saying 'thank you' is timeless it is by no means redundant or as the young would say 'lame'.so remember to say „thank you‟!



约会,在现实生活中,情侣约会,夫妻约会,朋友约会等等,约会代表的含义各不相同,那么“约会”用英文怎么说呢?如何用 英语表达“约会”呢?

appointment engagement tryst date rendezvous dating make an appointment with make an appointment assignation have a date 以上都是约会的翻译,在不同的场合,使用不同的表达方式。

1、appointment i've made an appointment for a facial next week.我已经预约了下周去美容。

2、engagement fidelity to engagement is a virtue.信守诺言是一种美德。

词汇搭配 用作名词(n.)动词+engagement announce〔break off〕 an engagement 宣布〔解除〕婚约 cancel an engagement 取消聚会 keep one's engagement 守约

形容词+engagement previous〔prior〕 engagement 有约在先 short engagement 短暂的约会 social engagement 社交约会 engagement+介词

engagement for„ 的约会

3、tryst ivy went to a tryst in a fancy dress last night.艾比昨天晚上穿着一件别致的服装去约会了。

4、date 用作名词(n.)if i pay a fee can i change the date? 如果付费,能够改机票日期吗?

用作动词(v.)don't forget to date your cheque.不要忘记在支票上写上日期。

词汇搭配 用作名词(n.)动词+date advance the date 提前日期 bear the date 注明日期 break the date 不遵守约定

bring forward the date 提前日期 call off a date 取消约会 change the date 更改日期 cut the date 取消约会 fix the date 确定日期 give sb a date 和某人约会

have a date(with sb)与(某人)有约会 keep a date 赴约

make a date(with sb)与(某人)约会 put a date to sth 注明日期 put forward the date 提出日期 set the date 定日期

形容词+date closing date 截止日期 early date 早期

fixed date 固定的日期 future date 将来的日期 later date 晚些时候 latest date 最近的日期 no distant date 不久的将来 recent date近日

regular date 规定的日期,固定的日期 same date 同期,同一天 specified date 指定的日期 uncertain date 不确定的日期

名词+date birth date 出生日期 meeting date 开会日期

介词+date from that date 从那时起 on a certain date 在某一日期 out of date 过时的 to date 到目前为止

under date of may 1 在五月一日 up to date 时新的


date for an exam 考试日期 date of birth 出生日期

date of meeting 开会的日期


date the first of january 日期定为1月1日


date exactly 确切断定 date back 追溯

date back to 回溯到,从„就开始


date as 确定某物的年代为 date from 始于

date in one's mind 在心中考虑


用作名词(n.)he didn't recognize the address of the rendezvous.他没有辨认出约会的地点。

用作不及物动词(vi.)we'll rendezvous at the railway station tomorrow afternoon.我们明天下午在火车站会合。


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用作名词(n.)she acted rather iffy about dating him.她对要跟他约会之事表现得迟疑不决。


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8、make an appointment please make an appointment with my secretary.请跟我秘书定个见面时间。

9、assignation 用作名词(n.)she had an assignation with her boyfriend.她和男朋友有个约会。

10、have a date 用作不及物动词(vi.)i will have a date with jenny tonight.约会相关情景对话

今晚有空吗? are you free tonight? free“空闲的”。are you free tonight?(今晚有空吗?)?(有空,干嘛?)do you have plans tonight?(今天晚上有事吗?)are you available tonight? are you busy tonight?(今天晚上忙吗?)今晚你能和我约会吗? do you want to go out with me tonight? go out并不一定就是“约会”,但是如果go out的后面直接跟with me的话,就一定是“约会”了。let's go out tonight.(今晚出去吧。)if you're free, why don't we go out tonight?(要是晚上有空,我们出去走走行吗?)愿意和我一起去看电影吗? would you like to go to the movies with me? would you like to go to the movies with me?(愿意和我一起去看电影吗?)i'd love to.(当然,我很乐意。)我们喝点茶什么的吧。let's have tea or 's have something to drink.(我们喝点什么吧。)how about having a cup of tea? 能陪陪我吗? please keep me company for a me company“和我在一起”、“交往”、“亲近”。我想请你去看演出。

i'd like to invite you to a you like to go to a show with me?(愿意和我一起去看演出吗?)我能和你约会吗? may i ask you out? ask out“约会”。may i ask you out?(我能和你约会吗?)sorry, i have a boyfriend.(对不起,我有男朋友了。)would you mind if i took you out? would you go on a date with me? 你是想和我约会吗?(你想勾引我吗?)are you trying to pick me up? pick up“勾引(男人/女人),欺骗”。are you asking me out? are you asking me for a date? are you asking me out on a date? 在哪儿见面? where do you want to meet? where do you want to meet?(在哪儿见面?)any place you want.(你觉得哪儿合适就在哪儿。)我们几点见面? what time should we meet? what time should we meet?(我们几点见面?)how about seven?(7点怎么样?)



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