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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-04-03 09:45:09
时间:2023-04-03 09:45:09     小编:zdfb



the scholarships will be awarded automatically – no application is required.

the scholarship can be awarded in conjunction with other university of sheffield scholarships as long as the inspanidual does not become fully funded, for tuition fee purposes, as a result of the sum of these awards.

the scholarships will take the form of a tuition fee reduction only.

you must be self-funding and classified as overseas for tuition fee purposes.

the scholarship will not be awarded where partial funding is applicable from an external body* and there is an agreement already in place between the external body and the university of sheffield to offer a tuition fee discount to the student.

the scholarships are for full-time and part-time students only. students studying online or via distance learning are not eligible for the scholarships.

part-time students will receive the full value of a one year of scholarship split pro rata over the duration of an equivalent single full-time academic year.

these scholarships exclude postgraduate courses in clinical dentistry where the higher clinical fee is applicable.

overseas students registered on partnership programmes will only be eligible for a proportionate amount of scholarship reflecting the percentage of the programme studied at and percentage of the tuition fees paid to the university of sheffield, e.g. studying a 50:50 course with the university of sheffield and another institution where the fees paid to the university of sheffield are £8000, a scholarship will be applied which represents 50% of the full scholarship amount.

* government or governmental organisation – international, national or regional; research council; charity; private enterprise; or any similar organisation.










(10)注册伙伴关系课程的海外学生,只能享受一定比例的奖学金数额。所享受的奖学金数额必须能反映课程百分比和支付给谢菲尔德大学的学费百分比。例如,学习 50:50 的由谢菲尔德大学和另一所大学提供的课程,如果支付给谢菲尔德大学的学费是8000英镑,所能享受的奖学金数额则为全额奖学金数额的50%。


ational merit postgraduate scholarships 2017


applicants must have applied for and been offered a study place at the university of sheffield to be eligible to apply for the scholarship.

applicants must apply for a study place by friday16 june 2017 for entry in september 2017 to be eligible to apply for the scholarship.

the scholarship application is a separate online process to applying for a course. a link to the online scholarship application will be sent by email to all eligible students from january onwards.

the scholarship will be awarded on the the basis of academic merit and the supporting statement. the final decision will be made by an academic panel.

the scholarship can be awarded in conjunction with other university of sheffield scholarships as long as the inspanidual does not become fully funded, for tuition fee purposes, as a result of the sum of these awards.

the scholarships will take the form of a tuition fee reduction only.

you must be self-funding and classified as overseas for tuition fee purposes.

the scholarship will not be awarded where funding is applicable from an external body* and there is an agreement already in place between the external body and the university of sheffield to offer a tuition fee discount to the student.

the scholarships are for full-time and part-time students only. students studying online or via distance learning are not eligible for the scholarships.

part-time students will receive the full value of a one year of scholarship split pro rata over the duration of an equivalent single full-time academic year.

these scholarships exclude postgraduate courses in clinical dentistry where the higher clinical fee is applicable.

overseas students registered on partnership programmes will only be eligible for a proportionate amount of scholarship reflecting the percentage of the programme studied at and percentage of the tuition fees paid to the university of sheffield. e.g. studying a 50:50 course with the university of sheffield and another institution where the fees paid to the university of sheffield are £8000, a scholarship will be applied which represents 50% of the full scholarship amount.

* government or governmental organisation – international, national or regional; research council; charity; private enterprise; or any similar organisation.












(10)注册伙伴关系课程的海外学生,只能享受一定比例的奖学金数额。所享受的奖学金数额必须能反映课程百分比和支付给谢菲尔德大学的学费百分比。例如,学习 50:50 的由谢菲尔德大学和另一所大学提供的课程,如果支付给谢菲尔德大学的学费是8000英镑,所能享受的奖学金数额则为全额奖学金数额的50%。







eligibility and award criteria

to be eligible for the scholarships, applicants must be a national of or permanently domiciled in one of the following:


our merit postgraduate scholarships are worth 50% of the annual postgraduate tuition fee.

key dates

a link to the online scholarship application will be sent by email to all eligible students from january onwards.

applicants must have applied for a study place by 16 june 2017.

the deadline for scholarship applications is friday 23 june 2017.

scholarship results will be announced friday 28 july 2017.



we are pleased to offer the following scholarships to international students starting a taught masters programme in september 2017:

£2,000 if your tuition fees are between £16,000 and £18,000

£2,500 if your tuition fees are £18,001 and upwards

if you are a student on msc global marketing management, your scholarship will be £1,250.


(1)2,000 英镑——如果学费在16,000 —18,000英镑之间;

(2)2,500 英镑——如果学费在18,001 英镑及以上。


eligibility and award criteria

to be eligible for the scholarships, applicants must be a national of or permanently domiciled in one of the following:


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特价:9.99元 10元
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