世界微笑日英语作文 世界微笑日英语
世界微笑日英语作文 世界微笑日英语
时间:2021-05-08 10:27     小编:NJ




World smile day

As is well known by now throughout the world Harvey Ball, a commercial artist from Worcester, Massachusetts created the smiley face in 1963. That image went on to become the most recognizable symbol of good will and good cheer on the planet.

As the years passed Harvey Ball became concerned about the over-commercialization of his symbol, and how its original meaning and intent had become lost in the constant repetition of the marketplace. Out of that concern came his idea for World Smile Day. He thought that we, all of us, should devote one day each year to smiles and kind acts throughout that world. The smiley face knows no politics, no geography and no religion. Harvey’s idea was that for at least one day each year, neither should we. He declared that the first Friday in October each year would henceforth be World Smile Day.

The very first World Smile Day took place in Worcester, MA on October 1, 1999. What a celebration it was! State and local dignitaries gathered and read proclamations in support of the day. Another proclamation recognizing the day was read on the floor of the United States Congress and is now part of the Congressional Record, the reporter of the official proceedings of the US Congress. Thousands of Worcester school children created World Smile Day? cards that were then delivered to area hospitals and nursing homes. The event became national and even international news.

The US Postal service came to Worcester that day to unveil its new Smiley Face stamp design. And, the Postal Service issued a special cancellation just for that event. Each year since then the USPS has issued a different cancellation commemorating the day.

In his inaugural address on that very first World Smile Day Harvey Ball laid the groundwork for that World Smile Day saying that the smiley face “…just reflects what is inside every one of us – a smile is what we want to see when we look at another human being.” He said, “Sometimes we forget that. Sometimes the world seems big and filled with problems that are too hard to understand much less solve. We start to believe that we are too small to make a difference. But that’s not true. The truth is that every one of us has the ability to make a difference every day.”

Harvey's hometown of Worcester, MA has been and continues to be the epicenter for World Smile Day.


The origin of the World Smile Day

World smile day, is the only one festival of the expression of human behavior, world mental health organization to every year since 1948 on May 8, identified as world smile day, the day will become particularly sweet, in the smile to others, you will see the world smile to himself.

On May 8, is the world smile day, today, are you laughing at? It is said that this is the only a festival celebrating the expression human behavior. On the corners of the mouth become warped, we against gravity brings a smile face aging, also a goodwill with a smile, live in harmony with the world. In your smile to others, also can see the world smile at you. Come along, smile!

Since 1948, the spirit of the world health organization will every year on May 8, identified as "world smile day, hope to promote human physical and mental health, by smile passed from person to person is cheerful and friendly at the same time, promote social harmony.






Every year since 1948, May 8, the spirit of the world health organization (who) the conclude that day as "world smile day". Indeed, everyone need to be slowing down, watch the beautiful things around, listened carefully listen to the music of nature, let the tension face soothing, open the knits forehead, let a smile on the face bloom, to dissolve frost and chill between each other.

Since 1948 this holiday to conclude, every year on May 8, became warm. In smile to others, you will see the world smile to himself.

A smile is the language of the world, this festival was created in 1948, with its unique warmth and charm, added a lot of warm for the world we live in. Smile with life are as important as sunshine, air, water. Of a "harmonious society", according to a survey of more than eighty percent of people think that "smile" is the most can show the harmonious degree of a place. Smile is the best of the human mind, smile is the most beautiful expression of humanity, smile is the most beautiful language in the human. Let's put a smile on my face, bring sincere and warm to others, poured out of harmony with a smile of the flowers.






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